Sunday, 28 February 2010

Whatever It Takes

"I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some." 1 Cor 9:22

How many friends do you have on facebook? Some people pride themselves on how many they have, I don't know what the record is but I know some people who have almost 1000! Every friend, on Facebook or not, who isn't a follower of Jesus is part of your mission field. It is you assignment to share Jesus with them at every opportunity and in every possible way. If you assessed your friends and looked at what they were like how would you describe them. Sociologists would say that mostly we find friends who are in some way like us. They will have a similar background, similar interests (that's why most christians don't have non-christian friends!), similar job etc. What does that mean for our mission?

Paul could have easily have been a missionary to the jews. His background, upbringing and education seemed to make him the perfect missionary to the jewish people. However, he spent most of his time as a missionary to non-jews. He learned what it would take to adapt and change in order to be effective as a witness to Jesus amongst different cultures and people. He says in 1 Cor 9 that he became like a slave in order to reach slaves, like a jew to reach jews, to the weak he bacame weak. Paul did whatever it took to reach those people that Jesus sent him to, even though that meant great change for him personally.

Your mission field is your circle of friends and family who you see regularly. But God also puts across your path people who he is calling you to witness to. People who may not ever meet another Christian, people who may be very different to you, people who you may not even like - what will you do with those people. What would it take to be in a position to share your faith with them? It would take some level of relationship, it would mean you taking the time and effort to get to know them, to be alongside them and to discover what God might be doing in their lives.

Who is God calling you to get to know today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you I found that really helpful